Thursday, May 14, 2020

Kate Adie: A Modern Trailblazer of Women in Broadcasting

Kate Adie was one of the few trailblazing women who were pushing their way into the spotlight through the dense mass of the male-dominated workforce. She began her career during the late 1960s where women were an extreme minority in the fields of broadcasting. During an interview, she stated “When I came into the world of work [late 1960s], women weren’t expected to do a lot of jobs. There were still no high court judges who were women. There were no senior policewomen. There were no women in the armed services. There were a huge number of jobs in which women did not figure at all. I came into a world of work where you were expected to find barriers against you”. She worked her way through the inequality to make herself stand out and become the important broadcaster we know her as today. She got to experience during the 1970s the legal rights to equal pay and opportunities that were being brought in by law.

 She started by obtaining a position as a station assistant at BBC Radio Durham, and then became a producer for Radio Bristol. She then transferred to television news where few women were working as reporters. She was reporting for regional TV News in Plymouth and Southampton and would join the national news team in 1976. There she experienced resistance due to her gender where people were reluctant to accept a woman doing this job and even assigning females to the less serious topics. When asked about this she stated “When it came to it, all working women knew there would be pressure anyway. You took it for granted that there would be hostile remarks; that people would be difficult. Frequently, when you turned up with a TV crew, somebody would ask: “Well, dear, where’s the reporter?” That was patronizing. The assumption was that you were a personal assistant”. Most people believed that reporting overall, especially more important topics including economics and crime, should be left to the males yet there were some exceptions. Kate Adie was fortunate to have the seniors of her news organization to be liberal-minded so that they allowed her to report on more essential topics. While Adie had this advantage most women during this time did not and they were stuck with either no work at all or left with the fluff topics. 

 Kate managed to be at the right place at the right time when it came to one of her most important covers of London’s Iranian Embassy raid. She stated that she was asked to cover for a senior reporter during the sixth day of the siege and moments after she arrived the SAS raided the embassy. This was considered to be her big break and following this, she was soon dispatched to conflicts all around the globe. She reported on many memorable events such as both Gulf Wars, four years of war in the Balkans, and the final NATO intervention in Kosovo and elections in 2000. She also reported the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster at Zeebrugge, the massacre at Dunblane, the Selby rail crash, the Bologna railway station bombing, and the Tiananmen Square protest in Beijing in 1989. These monumental and historical events that Adie reported on showed that women were capable of reporting the essential news and not just the fluff news. The list of crucial assignments she completed continues with the Lockerbie bombing, multiple reports in Northern Ireland throughout The Troubles, reported on the referendum to ratify the Good Friday Agreement, the bombing of Tripoli by the US in 1986, the Rwandan Genocide, and the British military intervention in the Sierra Leone Civil War. Shown by the immense amount of assignments Kate Adie has reported on truly shows how not only versatile she was but how she proves how capable she was. She completed important tasks by informing the public about these significant topics but the fact that she was a woman being entrusted with these events was almost as monumental as some of the events she was reporting on. This was a great stride towards the search for equality in fields such as broadcasting where people felt as though only a man could do that job. Kate Adie not only proves that she was meant to be a groundbreaking reporter but that it was possible for all other women too.

 Kate Adie was also a successful author who wrote multiple novels including her first book that examined her life as a reporter, The Kindness of Strangers, which won the Sunday Times bestseller list for 37 weeks. Others include Corsets to Camouflage, Nobody’s Child, Into Danger, and Fighting the Home Front: The Legacy of Women in World War One. On top of all the books and assignments she completed, she also served as a judge for the Orange Prize for Fiction, the Bailey’s, the Whitbread, the Costa Prize, and the RSL Ondaatje Prize. She also served as a trustee of the Imperial War Museum and the Sunderland Football Foundation. Her importance to the broadcasting world did not go unrecognized shown by her countless awards and honors. Adie has honorary degrees from universities such as Newcastle, Bath, Nottingham, Cardiff, and St Andrews. Kate Adie is also an honorary professor of journalism at Sunderland University and was honored with a Bafta Fellowship in 2018. Other awards she received included the Royal television Society Reporter of the Year 1980, won the 1981 and 1990 Monte Carlo International Golden Nymph Award, and the Richard Dimbleby BAFTA Award in 1990. Her extensive lists of awards exhibit not only her ability to achieve this great but the chance for all women to reach for their dreams.

 Adie needed to show immeasurable power to prove to the world that she capable of being one of the most significant reporters even today’s patriarchal dominated society. She resigned from BBC in 2003 after being sidelined ahead of the expected conflict with Iraq. This apparently mutual decision to step down ended her 34-year career though she continued to work as a freelance presenter for BBC. Kate Adie was marginalized at the BBC while working there possibly due to her outspoken criticisms of the corporation. She believes she was been overlooked due to her bosses being “obsessed with “cute faces and cute bottoms and nothing else in between”. This theory can be accredited by her receiving only a peripheral role during the war in Afghanistan which appears to have motivated her resignation. Though Kate Adie and many other influential women worked to destroy the sexist notions that women cannot excel in these male-dominated workforces there is still much more work to achieve.   

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Yellow Journalism: Still Found Today in our Society

The fact that not only are we still being deceived by the same concepts that were created in the 19th-century but the fact that they are advancing to such extreme levels where it is unavoidable yet rarely noticeable. Yellow journalism is when journalism and newspapers present exaggerated and possibly unprofessional news that lacks in research due to its reliance on eye-catching topics. This concept has adapted itself throughout the years to be almost indistinguishable from actual real news which is an alarming thought. The use of flashy usually misleading headlines is unfortunately extremely common in today’s society. Our shorter attention spans are used to the media's

advantage by creating interesting topics that can distract us from the truth that is right in front of us. If someone were to go online to search for news articles it would be extremely easy to mistake an add or fake news as a reliable news source. Advertisements have been a constant part of everyone’s life, yet people try to avoid these adds so companies work to blend their advertisements into the real news.

The competition that is created by the countless news sources available to us today makes each company have to keep up with the constant usually exaggerated news topics that are produced every day. This puts great pressure on new sources to create interesting updates and when there is little to report they feel as though they are forced to produce fake news or try to make minuscule topics into something much bigger. This can lead to people obtaining inaccurate information and spreading it as facts to other people. This is unacceptable in my eyes because the greed of some people needing good ratings makes countless people suffer the consequences of believing in awfully embellished ideas. This is harmful to society because it leads people to blindly follow any information, they find which can lead to overall ignorance and an ignorant world could create a dense community.

  It is as though we have expanded on the concept of the penny press which was tabloid-style mass-produced newspapers. The only change that we have had throughout these years is that we have moved to online platforms which would actually worsen the effects of its crudeness. Due to the news today being so saturated by the constant use of gore and gossip the idea of mass-produced constant updates that are somehow always intriguing. Now with our instant access to all types of news and information, this concept would only be worse due to the fast-pace lives of everyone. People expect things instantly and constantly, so the news sources feel as though they need to keep up with our desire for updated and interesting topics every day even if there is no new news. When there is a lack of intense and eye-catching news the sources will stretch any information into something that we would want to read. News sources have become more of a story-telling device than simply reporting important news that people should be aware of. Instead, people are continuously overreacting to non-existent problems because the news is more concerned with their ratings than keeping the public updated. The news is supposed to be a way to stay connected to the rest of the world but now it seems it is more of a way to hear intriguing and heart-throbbing stories.

The embellishments and over-saturation of news that cause an overreaction in the public because they believe that the situation is as bad as the news state it is. This can be seen today by turning on a news station at any time and there is more of a possibility that there will be discussions about the Coronavirus compared to anything else. Even before it became an actual issue the media was oversaturated with constant updates and worrisome statements about this virus.

To end this fake news, we would need muckrakers in today's society to expose these injustices. The muckrakers were journalists who showed the corruption found in the usually wealthy leader and corporate monopolies.  We need people who work to expose the companies who are only looking out for their own profit so we can be aware of who is credible or not. Investigative journalism needs to be more common in today’s society, so we can have access to unbiased news sources and avoid fake news. To finally end the reign of yellow journalism and penny press a great deal of work is required from journalists to create unbiased and true news and to help society differentiate between the real and the fake.            

Civil War and the Press: Variations in Journalism

*Overall differences and history to give an overview of the Civil War before diving into the specific topic of journalism 

An individual’s personal views can always be seen affecting how they interpret an event, and due to this bias, there tend to be multiple understandings of the same historical situation. When dealing with people who are writing about something that is extremely controversial there is a great chance for small differences in their wording and overall details of that event. Due to this, there are countless interpretations of famous and controversial events such as the Civil War. Many individuals with varying beliefs have written about this monumental war which would cause there to be an overflood of divergent information. Historians have obtained a focus on examining the differences in journalism during the Civil War between various points of view. People today are analyzing how the journalist during that time was affected by their own personal views and how that was transferred into their writing.

 Many historians such as Ford Risley have examined the role of the press during the Civil War and how your location and your personal beliefs can alter how you decide to write and interpret. Risley worked to show the disparity between a journalist in the North compared to the South shown by how press found in the Northern states greatly supported and exaggerated their own side while of course, the Southern press would do the same for their side. The Northern publications “supported the administration’s policies on virtually every issue. They beat the drum for war, exaggerating Union victories and minimizing Union defeats”. While the Southern side “praised the heroic efforts of soldiers and civilians, decried apathy and disloyalty, emphasized Union problems, and explained the consequences of defeat”.

There were Northern Democratic newspapers that were found that supported the views of the Confederacy though there were very few Southern editors that opposed the views of the Confederacy. The Northern states had “Copperhead publications, as they were known, virulently opposed the war. They believed the southern states had a right to leave the Union. They also viewed slavery as a state issue and argued that only individual states had a right to eliminate it”. While in the Southern states “few editors dared not to support the Confederacy in its fight with the Union. Most had been outspoken supporters of slavery and they advocated any means of preserving the institution they believed was so vital to maintaining the South’s economy and way of life”. There were still few in the Southern states that criticized the Confederacy’s leaders, but it seemed that there was more Northern support of the Confederacy than there was the opposition of the Confederacy in Southern areas.

During this war, an immense amount of newspapers was published though many of these publications tended to include extreme exaggerations to compete with other competitors. These implications hurt both sides so censorship measures were taken by both to prevent false or sensitive data from reaching the public. This war allowed for the advancements of both side's publications to expand to better cover complex situations such as the Civil War. The two sides were similar in the fact that they both had the want for more news and publications though “reporting for Northern newspapers was a logistical struggle, it was a nightmare for the South. Telegraph and rail connections were sparse and unreliable. Furthermore, Southern newspapers were cut off from the Associated Press, the leading news-sharing cooperative, based in New York”. The Southern states had a disadvantage when it came to publishing their beliefs and findings due to the restrictions caused by the Northern areas.

 It tended to be evident on which side a newspaper supported which can be shown by “The Chester County Times in Pennsylvania made no attempt to disguise how it felt about the election of Abraham Lincoln as the nation’s 16th president. “A Clean Sweep!” it exclaimed. “Corruption Ended!! The Country Redeemed! Secession is Rebuked!!! Let the Traitors Rave!.” This is obviously a Northern state showing its opposition to the Confederacy through the war which was the standard point of view found in Northern journalism. There were also cases of opposition to the war found in both sides but mostly the North which can be seen by “Republicans fashioned the earliest dominant interpretation of Democratic opposition during the war itself. They charged Peace Democrats with treason and disloyalty, labeled them “Copperheads” for their scheming venomous attacks, and considered them a “fire in the rear” materially undermining the war effort”. These Peace Democrats favored ending the war through an immediate peace agreement with the Confederate states.

 Though there were some who opposed most tended to support the war whether it was through their own beliefs or through fear. “Union soldiers forcibly arrested Clement L. Vallandigham, a prominent Democratic politician, and former congressman, for an anti-war speech which he had given a few days earlier in Mount Vernon, Ohio”. After his conviction, President Lincoln changed his sentence from imprisonment to banishment to the Confederacy which showed how seriously the government was taking any opposition to the war. Most people would end up supporting the war either due to their own beliefs or the fear instilled through the government yet some men, especially in the Northern states, would have the strength to oppose and become a Peace Democrat.
While there seemed to be more opposition to the war found in the Northern states there was still some resistance in the Southern states shown by “Wartime hardships intensified the internal divisions of the mountain South. Many southern grew to resent the intrusion of the Confederate government with its increased demand for volunteers and seizure of military supplies”. There were people who were near the southern Appalachians that were divided in their loyalty to the Confederacy which they developed a resistance to the rebel government. So, while there were cases of Southern areas opposing the war it was also common to find strong supporters of the Confederacy and the need for war. “Elements of opposition to the war” in the North but claimed, without amplification, they were “not as widespread as in the South”. This internal division found in the Southern states could be accredited to one of the reasons why they lost this war. “A cursory glance at the Confederacy reveals numerous instances of bitter strife, and one who delves deeply into the literature of the period may easily conclude that Southerners hated each other more than they did the Yankees”. This fact would help bring evidence towards how divided the South was and how this could help lead to the fall of the Confederacy. The main differences in how the two sides journalism was different were that they both tended to support and empathize with their own side more, yet both sides had pro-war and anti-war voices with variance on their strength.   

Monday, March 9, 2020

Zimbabwe: Economic and Educational Crisis

Zimbabwe has been facing an overall economic crisis which is causing serious issues when it comes to their children’s education. There are almost a quarter of the children not attending school due to lack of money. The high rates of dropping out can be also attributed to the high levels of pregnancy and long distances to school, but the overall absence of money in this country seems to be the most extreme issue.
 They are trying to fix this by creating new laws to promote education for all children. They have extended the necessary years of education from seven to twelve and have reinforced this by giving a fine or jail time to any parents who do not adhere. A law was also made where a child can not be expelled solely due to them becoming pregnant or their inability to pay. This would eradicate countless problems that could occur when trying to educate these children due to the need for prioritizing money.
Parents are forced to decide whether they want enough money to pay for food or to send their children to school. This concept is haunting to me when comparing all the privileges that we have in the United States. We eat too much and complain about having to go to school at all when there are children who would not even get that opportunity. It is extremely humbling when you hear about children not having the basic opportunities that are so taken for granted that you would not even think about them. As a child I would have never thought that getting an education and being well-fed was such a blessing as it really was.
Zimbabwe has worked to make the best of their situation by creating unregistered schools that reside mostly in the poorest areas to provide even the least-fortunate with some sort of education. The conditions of these schools are well below sub-par with no desks and one textbook for the teacher, yet they are a great stride towards allowing education for all.
Working through their drought and economic crisis these new laws and concepts are a great start to prioritizing education. Adding these laws should be an additive to trying to provide free basic education to all and they cannot stop there with promoting schooling. Zimbabwe needs to strive towards a better future where all children of all socioeconomic statuses can receive a proper education. These new laws that were created to encourage schooling for children are a great step in the right direction for their education, yet nothing can be fully fixed until their overall economic standing is more stable and decent.

Coronavirus: Uncovering the Injustice of the Chinese Government

It has been well-known that the Chinese government is unjust in their restriction of their citizens, yet due to this restriction the outside world does not know exactly what they must endure. After the outbreak of the Coronavirus questions began to be raised about the livelihood of the initial infected area. There has been seldom communication with the Chinese citizens about their experience with this horrid sickness, and after viewing this video it is now clear why. 

The Chinese people are not able to speak out, yet this one brave woman decided to risk her life to tell the world about the injustice of her people. She states with such passion in her voice how her government is restricting the people from speaking up by legally detaining them including even righteous lawyers. The fact that I can hear her pain and passion in her voice even in another language shows how much she was pushed before she had to take a stand. She took the dangerous initiative to tell the world of her family and her people’s unheard stories.
 She says how her government most likely conducted this illness through schemes shown by her only seeing normal citizens getting this disease. The fact that this is happening right now is atrocious because this should not be allowed to occur in our twenty-first society. How can a country and its government block their citizens from not only reaching out to tell the truth about their lives but not have medicine and care readily available for this soon-to-be epidemic?
 All these areas of people fighting for their freedom really brings more perspective to life. People in the United States are over-eating and complaining about irrelevant issues while other people across the globe are fighting for their basic rights. Their right of free speak is being greatly restricted by their government, and I completely encourage them to continue to fight against this injustice. This video affected me greatly because I not only saw how privileged we are in comparison but how much power and emotion there was in her speech. 
Her passion made this whole story real to people who were unaware of how much is taken away from the people of China. The fact that I can not understand what she is saying without the subtitles, yet I would still be able to feel her raw passion and anger for what she was talking about. The Chinese government needs to be stopped and changed, and this can happen by the rest of the world not being naïve and blind to what is happening right next to us. We are so privileged today that it seems like it is almost impossible that this is happening even in the same century that we are in, yet it is and not enough is being done about it. The injustice that the Chinese government is doing towards their citizens is immoral and inhumane to the highest extent, and we need people like this woman to sacrifice themselves to educate the rest of the world to make a change.

Partisan Press Era & its Correlation with Present Day

Comparing our current times to the Partisan Press Era is moderately alarming due to their obvious parallel and lack of change. During the Partisan Press Era there was high-power people or organizations that would control the newspapers, and this can still be seen to this day. It may be harder to recognize due to our ability to access countless material and resources to find a credible source, but in that Era, this was very limited. The local or state newspaper would be the only source of information that you could receive or would be relevant to you during that time so when that source is biased and focuses on advancing themselves it becomes a dangerous issue. 
Today, we can conduct research to find other sources that would vary in what they support, or you could possibly find something independent and not biased. This parallel is an extremely negative thing due to the fact that we have not advanced in the aspect of partisan news sources since this era. We should be able to read the news without worrying about who it was made to benefit. The only difference would be that it is easier to obtain different sources today, and that it may be harder to decide if a reading is biased or not. Today, we are never aware of that most news online includes or is an ad, so though there is more resources that could have different views it is harder to decide if those sources are credible. 
We make our current time more like the Partisan Era by not caring to take more time to find other credible sources that could support or disprove a biased opinion. We have countless ways to find accurate data, yet most people would not go beyond looking at their social media. Social media would most definitely be the most biased source of information which is worrisome due to how popular this has become. We spend so much time over social media having arguments when the legitimate information could be found on an independent source, yet people have become so lazy that they would much rather go off their beliefs. 
It could also be amplified by the fact that everyone thinks that their opinion is always right and feel that they do not need to back their thoughts up. Even if people did try to certify their ideas their confirmation bias would sully their research. Confirmation bias is when people only search for data that would support their idea while avoiding any conflicting ideas. People are so wrapped up in their own world that they refuse to take a second longer to look at everything we have available now. We are more stubborn today which leads to us not changing our views or being more polarized in how we view things shown by our political views being less independent or mixed.

 We have countless data-driven sources that main focus is keeping integrity and keeping their sources completely unbiased, yet we seem to never see them included in the superficial arguments that happen today. The world has an infinite amount of data that can be found today, yet through our laziness we have resorted back to being relatable to the Partisan Press Era.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Nellie Bly: Trailblazer for Women Journalism

Nellie Bly was a trailblazer for women journalism who was born in 1864 under the name Elizabeth Jane Cochran. She began her journalism career at the age of 18 when she made a controversial response to an editorial piece from the Pittsburgh Dispatch. This piece focused on the ideas that women were meant for domestic duties, and when she submitted this powerful response, she was offered a position at the Pittsburgh Dispatch.
At this point she adapted her pen name of Nellie Bly where she worked to point out the inequality of the patriarchal rule. At the Dispatch she began the start of her career as an investigative reporter where she exposed inequalities and wrongful doings including her report on a sweatshop. There she went undercover as a sweatshop worker where she discovered the poor working conditions faced by those women workers.
After working at the Pittsburgh Dispatch, she felt that her career was being limited to certain topics, so she went to work at the New York World during 1887. This publication worked to rid yellow journalism which focused on flashy headlines and crude exaggerations. During this time here she experienced and wrote one of her most famous pieces involving the cruelty of insane asylums. She committed herself to the infamous Blackwell’s Island where she pretended to be a patient there for ten days. After finishing this mentally scarring experience she made the inhabitable conditions that these women lived in available to the public. The public was abhorred by the neglect and physical abuse that was happening to these innocent mentally unstable women. This expose and her book not only brought to light the hidden horrors of mental institutions, but actually pushed for an investigation that lead to significant changes. Her work lead to larger funds for their care, more physician appointments and supervision, and more regulations to prevent overcrowding and safety hazards. Nellie Bly not only pushed away from the normative and restricting female topics but made significant impacts on the world around her.
Following her Asylum expose she continued to uncover improper treatment found in places such as New York factories or jails. She also found and exposed corruption in the state legislature and interviewed influential people such as Emma Goldman and Susan B. Anthony.   
During the time of 1889 she attempted to beat the imaginary record from the novel Around the World in Eighty Days. She managed to complete this task in less than seventy-three days which set an actual real-world record.
Bly married and retired from journalism until her husband passed away where she was left his manufacturing company. While running the Iron Clad Manufacturing Co. she patented the first practical steel oil drum which would be adapted to our present-day drums. She worked to enhance work environments by including perks and benefits that were not common during this time such as gyms and healthcare. Unfortunately, her generosity costed her too much so she unretired from journalism where she began working for the New York Evening Journal. During the 1920’s she reported on various important events such as the women’s suffrage movement.
Nellie Bly was an extremely influential journalist and one of the most important trailblazers for women during this time. She worked to prove that women are not limited to feminine-based topics and ideas and pushed and improved the equality and treatment of women. Nellie Bly achieved such a large range of achievements during her life in a patriarchal ruled world which showed that with power and dedication anything is possible.     

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Whistleblowers: A necessity for true freedom
Julian Assange is not the first whistleblower or journalist being punished by the government, and he will not be the last case that will be seen. When the government is as powerful as it is, they could withhold information from the public, and some people believe that as citizens we should be informed about all details of our government.

People like Julian Assange believe in the right of knowledge and free speech, and he is being punished for believing in this notion. He has been wrongly punished by being sent to prison and will continue to see repercussions of this harmless deed for the rest of his life.
A whistleblower is a person who informs society about an illegal or illicit activity that someone or an organization has done. This person is usually working at that organization and then gives their information to a journalist who would tell our community about this wrongdoing. This is a very critical and necessary job because it allows for the public to have a full understanding of their government and what they are voting for. 
When the government tries to hide important information from the public it does not allow the citizens to make a fully educated decision in what they are supporting or voting for. All government activities and information should be public if the information is true and does not cause any serious harm from releasing it. 
Julian Assange believed in openness and freedom for all people which is why he created Wikileaks. It was a website that was meant to give the public the ability to know all the information that the government or other powers were trying to hide. This kind of website is vital to keep not only the community educated but also keep in check all the high powers and the government. When the government is left to their own demise without informing the public it could easily lead to a dystopian society with a “Big Brother” type of government. 
The fact that people are being punished for sharing truthful information about the government is very worrisome especially when the data only harms the power. When a person is punished by the government solely because they revealed harmful details about it seems already dystopian. The idea that if something is so powerful that they can not only hide the harm or negative information about them but punish the people who try to find this truth is extremely alarming and should be questioned. The government should not be able to restrict data about its wrong doings as long as if the information would not cause direct danger to anyone. If we as citizens are allowed to vote, then we should have access to all information that could alter our thoughts involving the government. A person who has important information about the government that does not harm anyone and that they believe is true should be able to share this with the public without repercussions. 
Julian Assange believed in this idea of right of knowledge shown by his work to create Wikileaks. Through Bradley Manning, Wikileaks released multiple documents revealing war crimes done by our own side. If another country’s war crimes against our government was released it would not have been approach in the way this was. I question that our government would see nothing wrong with what Wikileaks did if it discovered important information that would help our government compared to harming. It is terrifying that our government has the ability to hide from us whatever they deem not necessary for public view. 
There have been and will be countless people like Julian Assange who were punished solely for educating society about the wrongdoings of our main powers. I hope that the government does not find a way to eradicate whistleblowers because without these people our society would be left in the dark and would most likely devolve us back to more dependence. We as a society have worked to overall educate ourselves to a point where we are able to understand the details of our government and political issues, and allowing the government to withhold impactful information from us is restricting us from growing and learning as a society.     

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Supreme Court

I have very little previous experience or knowledge of the Supreme Court and what they do before watching this video. I have learned about the basics of the Government overtime throughout my history classes, yet this was one of the first direct videos that I have watched that focused on the Supreme Court. I found this video moderately interesting and it was not only a good review but a great new learning experience.
 The Supreme Court works to interpret and amend the Constitution, and I believe this is an extremely important job due to the age of the document. Over time society and ethics change and our rules need to change with them, and the Supreme Court makes this possible. The Supreme Court takes the Constitution and interprets it so that we can relate to it today and keep our history. The Supreme Court tries to keep our rules progressive and relevant while trying to keep our history. It is important to keep our history, but there are many situations where our morals and ethics no longer agree with the past.
Some details of the Supreme Court I was unaware of such as that a term can be around sixteen years or longer. This was alarming to me because I feel that this is too long of a time for someone to have that type of power, and that their work ethics or their opinions may change drastically in that amount of time. Society is changing at an exceptional rate and I believe that we need individuals who are fresher and more representative of the people. This can be done by making shorter terms to allow newer opinions and ideas to be brought into the Government.
 It also raised questions when they said that it takes about three to five years to get used to working at such a stressful job. When he said that you need a few years to forget that you are working there so that you can get work accomplished. This was extremely worrisome because those few years that they are apparently not prepared for the work they still have that power even though they do not know yet how to use it correctly. A few years is not a small amount of time and having someone that is seemingly unqualified for said job for a couple years can do a great deal of damage. When a job has so much power and responsibility having someone, who does not know what they are doing can be extremely dangerous even in increment of three years. I also learned about the history of John Marshall, and the amending of the Constitution to allow for the freedom of slaves. The history of the Supreme Court and the Constitution is vital to understanding how it got to what it is today.
The fact that the justices all disagree with fundamental issues but try their best to cooperate with each other was pleasant to see. I would think that they would all be arguing or talking over each other, so I appreciated the friendliness and cooperation. The amount of work that each justice does is also impressive but worrisome because some things could get overlooked if the person is overworked. I enjoyed that the justices must be public and open with their opinions and actions because they should be due their job is based on the people’s issues. I learned a great amount about the history and the present functioning of the Supreme Court through this video.

Friday, January 24, 2020

My Five Most Credible News Sources

 The Washington Post would be a credible source to find news on. It is known to for winning Pulitzer Prizes and works to keep hiring new forward-thinking reporters. With them being owned by Jeff Bezos and having a slightly left preference there could be some bias, yet it seems that it is not extremely affected by this. This could be due to the writers consciously keeping in mind the hidden bias that can arise in writings.The Washington Post is one of the most credible news sources due to its want to keep up with the times in aspects of the topics of writing and the writers themselves.
The New York Times would be considered one of the most credible sources to find news with. The New York Times is definitely one of the most well-known and influential newspapers that can be found in the United States. It is understood that the N.Y.T. has a small preference towards a liberal standing, but they work to keep journalistic integrity by keeping mind of ethical standards. These standards are placed to remind the writers of all biases that could be included in a piece, and how to keep a writing free of these biases. This shows the credibility that the New York Times shows accurate information in their writings.
BBC would be a great example of global news that would qualify as a credible source. It has been a consistent place where I could find decent radio and other journalism. I seldom look at news for any reason, but when I would BBC would be one of the first of my choices because I have used BBC to acquire credible information multiple times. I feel that they have been advocates of producing impartial content for quite some time now which also shows their reliability.  They make sure it is easy to find where their information is coming from and exactly why that article was created. BBC would be a credible source for news due to its strive for impartial information.
PBS was claimed to be one of the most unbiased sources for news. PBS is known for its independent journalism and its trusting programs. They cover everything from educational children programs to news about political or cultural issues. I believe that PBS keeps their information mostly independent from political preferences to promote unbiased education. I enjoy that PBS seems to be more involved with the consumer's experience and works to create a positive and impartial source to learn from. PBS uses diverse viewpoints to spread all sides of every story.
The Associated Press is a notable news source when it comes to credibility. It has won 52 Pulitzer Prizes which shows its importance and excellence in journalism. The AP has been a source of information for many other journalist's writings which shows its credibility. They have a strong focus on keeping their words and stories as neutral as possible which is why I would use the AP as a credible source. It may be seen leaning slightly to the left due its occasional left-siding titles and the articles in a whole. Though there is a slight preference towards the democrats it seems that the Associated Press works to produce the most credible and independent news as possible.