Monday, March 9, 2020

Partisan Press Era & its Correlation with Present Day

Comparing our current times to the Partisan Press Era is moderately alarming due to their obvious parallel and lack of change. During the Partisan Press Era there was high-power people or organizations that would control the newspapers, and this can still be seen to this day. It may be harder to recognize due to our ability to access countless material and resources to find a credible source, but in that Era, this was very limited. The local or state newspaper would be the only source of information that you could receive or would be relevant to you during that time so when that source is biased and focuses on advancing themselves it becomes a dangerous issue. 
Today, we can conduct research to find other sources that would vary in what they support, or you could possibly find something independent and not biased. This parallel is an extremely negative thing due to the fact that we have not advanced in the aspect of partisan news sources since this era. We should be able to read the news without worrying about who it was made to benefit. The only difference would be that it is easier to obtain different sources today, and that it may be harder to decide if a reading is biased or not. Today, we are never aware of that most news online includes or is an ad, so though there is more resources that could have different views it is harder to decide if those sources are credible. 
We make our current time more like the Partisan Era by not caring to take more time to find other credible sources that could support or disprove a biased opinion. We have countless ways to find accurate data, yet most people would not go beyond looking at their social media. Social media would most definitely be the most biased source of information which is worrisome due to how popular this has become. We spend so much time over social media having arguments when the legitimate information could be found on an independent source, yet people have become so lazy that they would much rather go off their beliefs. 
It could also be amplified by the fact that everyone thinks that their opinion is always right and feel that they do not need to back their thoughts up. Even if people did try to certify their ideas their confirmation bias would sully their research. Confirmation bias is when people only search for data that would support their idea while avoiding any conflicting ideas. People are so wrapped up in their own world that they refuse to take a second longer to look at everything we have available now. We are more stubborn today which leads to us not changing our views or being more polarized in how we view things shown by our political views being less independent or mixed.

 We have countless data-driven sources that main focus is keeping integrity and keeping their sources completely unbiased, yet we seem to never see them included in the superficial arguments that happen today. The world has an infinite amount of data that can be found today, yet through our laziness we have resorted back to being relatable to the Partisan Press Era.

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