Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Whistleblowers: A necessity for true freedom
Julian Assange is not the first whistleblower or journalist being punished by the government, and he will not be the last case that will be seen. When the government is as powerful as it is, they could withhold information from the public, and some people believe that as citizens we should be informed about all details of our government.

People like Julian Assange believe in the right of knowledge and free speech, and he is being punished for believing in this notion. He has been wrongly punished by being sent to prison and will continue to see repercussions of this harmless deed for the rest of his life.
A whistleblower is a person who informs society about an illegal or illicit activity that someone or an organization has done. This person is usually working at that organization and then gives their information to a journalist who would tell our community about this wrongdoing. This is a very critical and necessary job because it allows for the public to have a full understanding of their government and what they are voting for. 
When the government tries to hide important information from the public it does not allow the citizens to make a fully educated decision in what they are supporting or voting for. All government activities and information should be public if the information is true and does not cause any serious harm from releasing it. 
Julian Assange believed in openness and freedom for all people which is why he created Wikileaks. It was a website that was meant to give the public the ability to know all the information that the government or other powers were trying to hide. This kind of website is vital to keep not only the community educated but also keep in check all the high powers and the government. When the government is left to their own demise without informing the public it could easily lead to a dystopian society with a “Big Brother” type of government. 
The fact that people are being punished for sharing truthful information about the government is very worrisome especially when the data only harms the power. When a person is punished by the government solely because they revealed harmful details about it seems already dystopian. The idea that if something is so powerful that they can not only hide the harm or negative information about them but punish the people who try to find this truth is extremely alarming and should be questioned. The government should not be able to restrict data about its wrong doings as long as if the information would not cause direct danger to anyone. If we as citizens are allowed to vote, then we should have access to all information that could alter our thoughts involving the government. A person who has important information about the government that does not harm anyone and that they believe is true should be able to share this with the public without repercussions. 
Julian Assange believed in this idea of right of knowledge shown by his work to create Wikileaks. Through Bradley Manning, Wikileaks released multiple documents revealing war crimes done by our own side. If another country’s war crimes against our government was released it would not have been approach in the way this was. I question that our government would see nothing wrong with what Wikileaks did if it discovered important information that would help our government compared to harming. It is terrifying that our government has the ability to hide from us whatever they deem not necessary for public view. 
There have been and will be countless people like Julian Assange who were punished solely for educating society about the wrongdoings of our main powers. I hope that the government does not find a way to eradicate whistleblowers because without these people our society would be left in the dark and would most likely devolve us back to more dependence. We as a society have worked to overall educate ourselves to a point where we are able to understand the details of our government and political issues, and allowing the government to withhold impactful information from us is restricting us from growing and learning as a society.     

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