Monday, March 9, 2020

Coronavirus: Uncovering the Injustice of the Chinese Government

It has been well-known that the Chinese government is unjust in their restriction of their citizens, yet due to this restriction the outside world does not know exactly what they must endure. After the outbreak of the Coronavirus questions began to be raised about the livelihood of the initial infected area. There has been seldom communication with the Chinese citizens about their experience with this horrid sickness, and after viewing this video it is now clear why. 

The Chinese people are not able to speak out, yet this one brave woman decided to risk her life to tell the world about the injustice of her people. She states with such passion in her voice how her government is restricting the people from speaking up by legally detaining them including even righteous lawyers. The fact that I can hear her pain and passion in her voice even in another language shows how much she was pushed before she had to take a stand. She took the dangerous initiative to tell the world of her family and her people’s unheard stories.
 She says how her government most likely conducted this illness through schemes shown by her only seeing normal citizens getting this disease. The fact that this is happening right now is atrocious because this should not be allowed to occur in our twenty-first society. How can a country and its government block their citizens from not only reaching out to tell the truth about their lives but not have medicine and care readily available for this soon-to-be epidemic?
 All these areas of people fighting for their freedom really brings more perspective to life. People in the United States are over-eating and complaining about irrelevant issues while other people across the globe are fighting for their basic rights. Their right of free speak is being greatly restricted by their government, and I completely encourage them to continue to fight against this injustice. This video affected me greatly because I not only saw how privileged we are in comparison but how much power and emotion there was in her speech. 
Her passion made this whole story real to people who were unaware of how much is taken away from the people of China. The fact that I can not understand what she is saying without the subtitles, yet I would still be able to feel her raw passion and anger for what she was talking about. The Chinese government needs to be stopped and changed, and this can happen by the rest of the world not being naïve and blind to what is happening right next to us. We are so privileged today that it seems like it is almost impossible that this is happening even in the same century that we are in, yet it is and not enough is being done about it. The injustice that the Chinese government is doing towards their citizens is immoral and inhumane to the highest extent, and we need people like this woman to sacrifice themselves to educate the rest of the world to make a change.

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